Myanmar Sexy Actress and Model, Eaindra Kyaw Zin with beautiful white long dress

Eaindra Kyaw Zin is Myanmar famous actress and model. She keeps her success in Myanmar filming and entertainment industry for long time. She is still single. Eaindra is not only a famous actress, but also a popular and hot model. She is the hottest and sexiest actress in Myanmar.
Eaindra Kyaw Zin, Myanmar famous Actress and Super Model Girl
Myanmar famous model and actress, Eaindra Kyaw Zin's beautiful fashion
Myanmar actress and model Eaindar Kyaw Zin's pretty and attractive style
Myanmar Actress and Model, Eaindra Kyaw Zin with beautiful white long dress
အိျႏၵာေက်ာ္ဇင္ က နာမည္ေက်ာ္ မင္းသမီး တစ္ေယာက္ျဖစ္သလို ၊ ေမာ္ဒယ္တစ္ေယာက္လည္းျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ေတာ္ေတာ္ေလး ေအာင္ျမင္မွဳ ႏွင့္ ပရိတ္သတ္ရဲ့ လက္ခံမွဳကို ရရွိတဲ့ မင္းသမီးတစ္ေယာက္ပါ။ ျမန္မာမင္းသမီး ေတြထဲမွာ စြဲေဆာင္မွဳ အရွိဆံုး ႏွင့္ ထူးျခားတဲ့ ညိဳ့ဓာတ္ရွိ သူတစ္ေယာက္ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ အခုထိ တစ္ကိုယ္တည္း အပ်ဳိၾကီး လုပ္ေနတုန္းပါဘဲ။


  1. you are very beautiful.very good looking your body.Who is your bodyfriend?

  2. သံစဥ္ေလးJuly 30, 2010 at 4:18 PM

    What's up?

    you are my favorite actress in the world.
    I love your style :)
    you are so lovely and you are a great person.
    you got a beautiful face that i ever see in my life befor.
    Can i have it? hahahaha
    Iam just kidding
    Have a great future.:-)
    ♥'S U... :):):):)


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